
Hands-on Practicum on HRV Biofeedback and Neurofeedback for Optimal Performance Training


Inna Khazan, PhD, BCB, BCB-HRV
Santiago Brand, BCN, BCB, QEEGDL

1-day workshop
Date: April 8, 2024

Workshop Title

Hands-on Practicum on HRV Biofeedback and Neurofeedback for Optimal Performance Training

Workshop Description

The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with hands-on practice and live observation of the most versatile and widely applicable skills in HRV biofeedback and neurofeedback as they apply to optimal performance. The ability to perform under pressure depends heavily on one’s mental and emotional health. Peak performance training offers a competitive advantage to athletes, executives, lawyers, business leaders, artists and other professionals. Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback and Neurofeedback are two scientifically proven methods for improving various aspects of physical and mental performance, such as physiological endurance and reaction speed, ability to focus, problem solve and make decisions under pressure, and respond quickly and appropriately to sudden changes in our environment. In this workshop, participants will practice and observe protocols for assessing, training and using HRV in practice. Participants will also observe, learn to implement and interpret EEG & qEEG assessments as well as identify brain wave patterns and brain wave changes that correlate with optimal performance and those that correlate with dysregulation. In addition, we will demonstrate and practice simultaneous use of HRV and EEG biofeedback and discuss ways to integrate the use of both modalities for the same client. This workshop is designed to be primarily hands on. Workshop leaders will briefly explain rationale for various skills, and then demonstrate these skills with a volunteer from the audience. Participants will then break up into groups to practice these skills using biofeedback equipment under the guidance of workshop leaders. We will follow each skills lab period with a discussion/interpretation of results and outcomes, and plentiful opportunities for questions and answers. *** NOTE While all the skills practiced and demonstrated in this workshop are empirically based, we will not be reviewing the theory and research behind those skills in order to dedicate as much time as possible to the hands-on practice. Therefore, this workshop is best suited for those familiar with the concepts, basic theory, and measurements of HRV and EEG biofeedback. We will provide some background readings for participants who would like a review of the theoretical underpinnings prior to the workshop.

Learning Objectives

1) Demonstrate, practice, and discuss how to conduct a resonance frequency assessment and use it in training HRV.

2) Observe, practice and discuss HRV biofeedback training using RF breathing, including HRV monitoring over time.

3) Observe, practice, and discuss qEEG, and single and two channel assessments and interpretation in peak performance.

4) Describe how to combine neurofeedback training with other modalities such as reaction lights and neurotracker.

About Inna Khazan

Inna Khazan, Ph.D., BCB is a clinical psychologist, and faculty at Harvard Medical School. She maintains a private practice in Boston, working with clients on optimizing their health and performance. Dr. Khazan is recognized as a pioneer in the area of mindfulness and acceptance based biofeedback, and is the author of Clinical Handbook of Biofeedback: A Step-by-Step Guide to Training and Practice with Mindfulness.

About Santiago Brand

Santiago Brand, BCN, BCB, QEEGDL is the founder and director of MindLab Neuroscience Consulting in Singapore. Santiago is a clinical and sport psychologist board certified in qEEG brain mapping, biofeedback and neurofeedback. He is an educational instructor for InMindOut centers in the United States and faculty member at the “Learn From The Best ” program of the Biofeedback Federation of Europe (BFE). Santiago is a scientific advisor for iMediSync in South Korea, NEUROWYZR in Singapore and 180 Sanctuary in Thailand. Santiago has 15 years of experience working with sports and peak performance and he has lectured in 20 countries. Santiago has been interviewed in multiple media outlets including CNN as well as being a frequent guest host in the NueroNoodle Podcast and the How To Live Podcast.

Inna Khazan